What is CampSafe®?
CampSafe® is an interactive, online training for Camp staff, designed by experts in the field of child sexual abuse prevention. This training will strengthen your child protection strategy, building the foundation for a culture of safety at your camp.
Educated Staff equals Safer Camps!
With CampSafe®, your staff will begin the summer with the skills needed to keep campers safe!
The CampSafe® subscription includes 2 courses:
CampSafe for Directors is a comprehensive training for camp directors and the leadership team. The director training includes modules on: screening, interviewing, and background check protocol; child protection policy and procedures; supervising through a sexual abuse prevention lens; a comprehensive follow-up training for staff during pre-camp; links to state resources; example scripts and ice breakers for staff to utilize with campers to establish healthy boundaries; sexual harassment; letters to parents and staff; post testing for certification.
CampSafe® – Is an online, interactive prevention training course designed for camps and out-of-school programs. The goal of this training is for all staff – including counselors, administrators, supervisors, owners, dining, health, maintenance, volunteers, and board members – to arrive at camp with the same strong foundational knowledge of child sexual abuse prevention, awareness, and protocol. It is created with young staff in mind – filled with interaction, audio in English and Spanish, scenarios presented through 3D animation, and easy for everyone to navigate.
Fee: based upon number of users:
1 – 49 users $300/year
50 – 199 users $600/year
200 – 349 users $750/year
350 – 1000 users $900/year
*If your camp has more than 1000 staff please reach out to us at bekidsafe@centerforchildcounseling.org
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Wednesday, February 26, 2025, 12pm EST
Monday, March 3, 2025, 2pm EST
Wednesday, March 26, 2025, 10am EST
Thursday, March 27, 2025, 2pm EST
Camp Zoo at the Phoenix Zoo started using CampSafe last summer, and my only regret is not starting it sooner! We used to do our abuse prevention in house, and I personally found using CampSafe to be much more effective! It aligned really well with our behavior/group management training and provided specific examples and scenarios to make expectations for conduct clear. I like how they emphasize the importance of modeling behavior and boundaries! I used to be a teacher, and have done many abuse prevention trainings. Personally, I found CampSafe to be the most inclusive of diverse backgrounds, and it was competitively priced–under one rate we were able to train all our staff, representatives from other departments, and volunteers. We do year-round programming, so we were even able to train our new hires for the fall/winter/spring as well. We plan to renew it for next summer as well! 🙂
"I found this training to be very helpful and insightful. The training really improved my awareness and provided strategies to speak to young people and adults about this issue. I also had no idea how prevalent sexual abuse is in the United States."
Residential Camp Counselor, WI
"As a teacher with 38 years of experience and former camp staff member with 19 years of experience, it is reaffirming to see the extent of training on sexual abuse required by camps and related groups. Thanks!"
Staff Leadership, National Teen Program
"This is an extremely comprehensive course that covers everything our staff needs to know about consent, bodily autonomy, safe boundaries, and reporting."
Staff Leadership, Residential Camp, WA
"I feel way more prepared."
Camp Counselor, Residential Camp, NM
"After learning and practicing the skills this course has very intentionally taught me, I feel more confident in my role and responsibilities as a camp counselor."
Camp Counselor, Residential Camp, NC
"Solid training modules, appreciate the ease of use and sensitivity in its language."
Residential Camp Counselor, OH
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- You can search for emails in your Inbox and folders, this doesn’t include spam/junk folder. Search for @centerforchildcounseling.org to see if accidentally missed the email or it went directly into a folder.
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Yes, CampSafe has the Educational Endorsement from the ACA.
Yes, CampSafe is approved by the state of Texas, The approval number is YC23-0147