Parent Learning Resources

Every parent or caregiver, living or working with a child or children, can use learning resources to support their safety, mental health, and resilience. Check out our resources and tip sheets below – developed by our team of child experts for you.

For FREE parent workshops, check out our Parent page.

Circle of Safe Adults

Think about the grown-ups that your child trusts, who take care of them and keep them safe. Are those the same grown-ups that your child will think of?

Discuss with your child and use the worksheet to have them color picture of the grown-ups they trust and can talk to about anything. Help them write specific labels for their grownups.

Before your child gets started ask them to think about:

  • Who would you talk to about something exciting or happy?
  • Who would you go to for help or to talk about something that made you sad or worried?
  • Who would you talk to if you had a fight with a friend, or a had bad dream?
  • Who would you tell if someone gave you a touch that made you feel uncomfortable?
  • Who would you go to if you saw something online that confused you?

A grown-up is someone they can trust and will be there for your child, they can talk to about anything, know them well, keep them safe and live nearby or can access them easily.

Tip Sheets for Parents and Caregivers

Preventing Child Sexual Abuse
Identifying & Addressing Suicide
Aftermath of School Shooting
Talk with Children About Grief
Supporting Empathy Development
Mindful Parenting
Supporting Social-Emotional Development
The Power of Play
Meditation & Mindfulness for Children
Creating Calm Down Corner
Calming Down High-Energy Children
Implementing Effective Transitions
Importance of Family Involvement
Power of Parent Teacher Relationship
Separation Anxiety
Promoting Resilience
Building Confidence & Self-Esteem
How to Help My Child Listen
Holiday Harmony
Single Parenting
Juggling Work and Family
Co-Parenting After Divorce