Resiliency Building: A Guide for Educators

Online Training

Upon registration, you will have one month of 24/7 on-demand access to the training. 

Cost: FREE


Center for Child Counseling

CLICK HERE for more information on training options for childcare centers, schools, or organizations. Group discounts are available!

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FREE Online, On-Demand Workshop

  • Resilience is the ability to withstand adversity and bounce back from difficult life events. Resilience is about thriving – and not just surviving. 

    “How parents and teachers talk tells a child how they feel about him. Their statements affect his self-esteem and self-worth. To a large extent, their language determines his destiny.”

    This training is recommended to all educators and it’s 15 minutes long.

    In this FREE Online Workshop, you will learn about:

    • Gaining an understanding of resilience
    • How to aid and support youth in identifying, building and maintaining resilience
    • Tools to increase relationships