The Stay KidSafe!™ program is a K-5 program created by child sexual abuse prevention professionals of KidSafe established in 2009 and now part of the Center for Child Counseling. Stay KidSafe!™ is a research based primary prevention education curriculum designed specifically for teachers, school counselors, and other qualified educators to implement directly to their students in the classroom.
Topics Covered: This empowering program teaches students, K-5, skills of personal safety such as: assertiveness, healthy body boundaries, safety strategies, digital safety, consent, safe touch and unsafe touch, good secrets and bad secrets, accessing help from trusted adults, recognizing red flag behavior, all taught through a social emotional learning lens.
Cost: The Stay KidSafe!™ program is free to all qualified schools and districts, funded by generous donations of supporters across our nation.


The Stay KidSafe!™ program is accessible through an online platform where the facilitator will find all the materials needed to implement the program.
Lesson Plans: which include standards and benchmarks
Lesson Guides: an interactive lesson script which includes all discussions, activities, games, and role-plays
3D Animations: Each new protective skill is introduced to the students through an animation. The KidSafe characters set the tone for the learning. They are empowered with skills and their safety voices, modeling for students throughout the K-5 years.
Stay KidSafe!™ for Educators: An eLearn training for all school staff providing necessary knowledge about child sexual abuse, child trafficking, and school employee sexual misconduct and the role educators play in prevention.
Stay KidSafe!™ is an age and developmentally appropriate curriculum, easily implemented by qualified educators. K- 2 has 4 lessons each (30 minutes lessons) 3 – 5 has 2 lessons (45 minutes each).
Classroom Lesson Previews
- You can register by clicking the Register button on this page or drop down under School tab.
- Enter all required fields, marked with * ( red asterixis).
- Your username will be your email address. You select a password, so please write it down.
- After you enter all fields click the red Register button.
- You will receive an email to activate your account (check junk or spam folder if don’t see in your inbox).
- Click the activation link and you are set to enter your account.
From Login screen:
- Click on Login, the Login in box will pop up.
- Under the red box Login in, click Lost Your Password?
- Fill in your username, which is your email address and click Reset Password.
- You will receive an email allowing you to reset your password, follow instructions in the email. (please check junk folder if don’t see in your Inbox)
No, as long as you are working for the same school district and your email address hasn’t changed you can access the Stay KidSafe!™ curriculum. You have access to Grades Kindergarten through 5th, so you do not need to re-register even if you changed the grade level you are teaching.
- Click the Login button, the Login in box will pop up.
- Enter your username, which is your email address
- Enter the password you were either given in introductory email or you selected when created account.
- Now you are logged in, you will see your name and give you access to My Account.
- From My Account you can click to enter whatever grade level curriculum you need to teach
Physical and digital books are availble for purchase on our website, under the Contact Us tab, visit our shop.
The person that registers for Stay KidSafe!™ becomes group leader for their school. The group leader is able to add more staff to the group to have access to the curriculum.
If your group leader changes, please add new group leader as a user, if able, then contact customer service with new group leader credentials so we can make the change and update for your group.
If you are not able to add the new group leader as a user, please contact customer support at
The capability to add users is granted to Group Leaders. If you set up your group you are a group leader and will have an Group Leader Dashboard.
In the dropdown menu located next to your name is the Group Leader Dashboard.
Click “Group Leader Dashboard.” From here you can see your users, add more users, email your users, add additional group leaders, and see reports for your users’ progress.
The “Users” drop down box is where you add users. You have options to add one, add multiple, upload users, email users or export CSV.
Add One
– Click on “Add One” and you will get a pop up. Enter first name, last name, email address, and click “Add user.”
NOTE: Leave password blank and the system will assign a password and send the user an invite email automatically.
Add Multiple
– This option allows you to enter between 1 and 25 users at once. Enter first name, last name, email address, then scroll down and click “Add and invite users” button.
NOTE: Leave password blank and the system will assign a password and send the user an invite email automatically.
Upload Users
– This option allows you to upload your staff list in a CSV file. Click on “Download asample .csv file.” Use the sample template to upload your list.
NOTE: Leave password blank and the system will assign a password and send the user an invite email automatically.
Additional Group Leader features can be found in the Group Leader Dashboard document.